Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Big balls for a mediocre TV show

Watch our show because we're all glaring at you!!

"Revolution,"NBC’s post-apocalyptic tale about a world without power, returned from its four-month hiatus with an episode chock full of firepower and advancing plot lines. Real quick though, why the hell did NBC give this show that long of a break, when it was well liked?  I’m still not sure, but people were waiting because the network won the Monday night ratings. 
  Back to the show, the group had escaped Monroe’s evil clutches and his newly powered helicopter — there are amulets of power that can fire up anything, including the arsenal of weapons Monroe has been collecting — and everything seemed fine. Charlie and her gang of misfits joined up with the American militia — the country is divided into 4 or 5 nations, with Texas on its own and an america militia fighting the Monroe Republic — and waited for a helicopter attack to fight off.

Spoilers ahead.

And then the show did something I never saw coming… they killed off the damn kid they spent the entire first half of the season looking for!!! Holy hell that is a ballsy move!! After fighting off helicopters side by side with his sister, Danny is gunned down as a chopper goes spinning out of control. Dead, no coming back. The show just spent 10 hours trying to reunite the family and then immediately destroyed it. Awesome. I had been on the fence about the show because it usually had 1 to 2 cool ideas and a whole lot of bad ideas per episode, but I’m in for the rest of the season now...  even if I chuckle to myself at how bad it is.

I'm sure a lot of females will look this way after the apocalypse...

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