Monday, April 1, 2013

Walking Dead season three finale

 Ep 16. "Welcome to the Tombs"

Carl's not a law man like his dad no more!

Well, here we are and what a third season it has been. After a slow start to the second season, the show took off like a Daryl Dixon arrow, splicing into a third season full of craziness. We lost some people —RIP Lori (good riddance), TDog, Axel and Oscar — added a new ninja sword wielding badass, rekindled our love for Merle and discovered the gruesome killer behind the kindly smile of The Governor. Andrea once again fucked the bad guy — her vagina is badguy detector for the show — and Glenn and Maggie started trying to repopulate the earth. The prison seemed like a safe place until the governor drove a zombie bomb through the gate. Does the Grimes Gang stay and defend their home or do they leave the prison and find some place new.

We open on the Governor beating the shit out of Milton. And then the Gov throws Milton in a room with Andrea and says if he wants to live, he needs to kill her. Milton takes the knife and tries to kill the Gov, but he gets the jump on Milton and stabs him, leaving him to bleed out and turn into a zombie and “tear the flesh from Andrea’s bones.”
Back at the prison we see everyone packing up the gear, preparing to hit the road. Daryl makes a mention of Merle saving them and Michonne and Rick have a chat about him not giving her over to the Gov. And like that, the Grimes Gang hits the road… or do they?  
The Gov gets his gang/militia all riled up and ready to attack the prison. Tyreese and his sister say they’re not coming and the Gov lets them be. They roll into the prison hard, with trucks and heavy artillery blazing, knocking down gates, but nobody is there. For some reason The Gov thinks it’s smart to go into the prison tunnels, which turns into a clusterfuck when some booby traps go off and walkers come at them. Nice and chaotic for the Gov and his crew. But that’s not all, Glen and Maggie are waiting and open fire on the Gov’s army when they flee the prison and chaos ensues when a solder left behind stumbles upon a hiding Carl and Herschel and Carl kills the guy.
Meanwhile back at Woodbury, Milton and Andrea have a nice chat as he slowly dies. Andrea wanted to save everyone, but first she better focus on saving herself.
After fleeing the prison, The Gov stops his militia for a pep chat and when everyone turns on him, he mows them all down with his machine gun, all except black Daryl and Mexican Daryl. I think I would keep the big military vehicles, but it looks like the Gov don’t need them.
Daryl, Rick and Michonne head to Woodbury to finish the job and find the abandon vehicles and the one chick who escaped. She leads them into town, presumably for a spot in the prison, and they see Tyreese. They tell them what happens and all of sudden Tyreese and his sister are members of the Grimes Gang again.  
Andrea gets the cuffs off before zombie Milton can get to her, but it doesn’t show us what happens. Be we all guessed it… she got bitten. Michonne cries and rick tells her everything will be all right. She kills herself and that’s the end of Andrea’s story. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to tell now who is a bad guy because Andrea won’t be around to sleep with them.

And with that, Rick takes everyone home to the prison — ie all the old people and kids @ Woodbury, plus the survivor chick and tyreese/his sister. Seems like a lot of extra mouths to feed compared to the major lack of strength your gaining.
That’s it? That’s how you’re going to end the best season the show has produced so far? With our lean mean group of killers bringing in a whole bunch of non fighting mouths to feed? Oh well, at least the Gov is still crazy and alive and he’ll be back for the Grimes Gang sooner or later. Although I’m disappointed in the finale, I’ll be chomping at the bit until the show returns in October.
Random thoughts

The Gov has the best line of the night… “In this life you either kill or you die, or you die and you kill.” Classic zombie literature right there.

Personally, I probably would have stayed at Woodbury over the prison, but I’m guessing Rick thinks they can defend it better. I think a town with massive gates, gardens growing and plenty of armored vehicles would be better than a broken up old prison, but what do I know.

With both of the queen bitches — Lori and Andrea — on the show gone, who will step up to that position next?

I wish Mexican Daryl would have fled when the Gov went crazy and joined up with the Grimes Gang, he and Daryl had a nice chat at the meeting point a few episodes back and they could become some kind of zombie bash brothers.

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